
First Aid course

Date: 07.04.2024

First Aid Course EA 1® gives you good knowledge and skills to help in emergency situations and in the most common cases of sudden illness and accidents. On the course you learn, for example, how to resuscitate, how to use a defibrillator and how to give first aid for fractures. After completing the course, you will master basic first aid in topics covered on the course.The First Aid Course EA 1® is suitable for you when you want to learn first aid skills for home, leisure, and work, if you work in an environment with an obvious risk for accidents. On the course you learn first aid through theory and practical exercises. You can participate on the course without prior first aid training.

The course is certified, and you will receive the FRC First Aid Course EA 1® certificate.

The First Aid Course EA 1® combination course consists of two parts: online education (on your own speed prior to classroom training) and classroom education of practical skills, arranged on Sunday 7.4.24 at EPS Club house.

The course fee depends on the number of participants, being around 99€/person + 26€ certification fee / person. The max number of participants is 20.

Please register yourself at Register to the First Aid course
There will be another course arranged in Finnish.